En gnista liv

Camilla Voigt


November 6, 2020


Lars Westberg, Vocal

Camilla Voigt, Piano

Jonas Franke-Blom, Cello

Mirjam Simonsson, violin

Camilla Voigt, pianist and composer of several music productions in the past years, has in this project composed contemporary church songs with vibrant and soothing melodies.
"En gnista liv" is a collaboration with Lars Westberg, priest, author and lyricist, who very personally and revealingly delivers these songs to the listener. Comforting texts about finding hope in difficult times and light in the dark.  

Camilla accompanies on grand piano, Jonas Franke-Blom on cello and Mirjam Simonsson on violin. Their improvised playing flows through the songs, beautifully and soulfully. Together with Lars, they have participated in several church performances, where sometimes the songs are performed together with local choirs. The recording was made live in Nilento studio, one autumn day in November 2019.

Nilento Studio - more than recording